W02 Reflection: Entrepreneurial Journal Blog

The Last Lecture

I seriously hate most videos in school, but this one captured my attention and my heart the entire time! Randy is so animated and so much like myself! He’s hilarious and intelligent, snarky while sweet. I believe he achieved his dreams because he had really firm goals and a family who supported him.  I feel like I also had very firm goals but lacked the supportive family to get there. Instead I had an incredibly abusive family who gave me certain advantages while crippling me at the same time. Randy had the ability to be creative and find different ways of achieving his dreams, pretty far outside the box, by just creating a new box!

I think dreams are critical. I’ve always been a big dreamer. Without that there’s really nothing to do. Without dreams people just wake up, go to work, come home, eat, go to bed, and repeat it. Dreams allow us to have something to aim for, which like my beloved Air Force says, “Aim HIGH!”

I had so many childhood dreams! One that was shot out of the air pretty quickly was that I wanted to be a fighter pilot.  That could never happen.  Apparently, they get all persnickety if you can’t see! But, I still dream of flying, so I tend to find myself near airports and flight lines very often. Just today I was at the flight line when a couple of fighter jets took off just a few feet away! I was immediately transfixed! I keep trying to talk our daughter into joining the Civil Air Patrol as a highschooler so that we can join and I can get my pilot’s license. That’s something I started working on in high school and never finished since my parents pulled the funding and refused to authorize the flight hours after I passed the written exam!