Week 1 Entrepreneurial Journal Entry

One of the biggest takeaways from the material this week is that all humans are entrepreneurs whether they see themselves in that way or not.  The idea that we all have to be entrepreneurs of some kind to continue to move forward in the careers we choose was eye-opening for me.  As we are currently going through the processes of starting up our own business again it will be far easier to see myself in this light than I previously could have.

The concept of being adaptable rang very true to me.  Throughout my career working in retail, this was the name of the game.  Something would always go wrong if you weren’t planning for it.  It is easy to think that something might not ever happen but it just as easily could.  I’ve found over the years that the more people are involved with a project the more likely it is that something can go wrong.  It also means there is more help to guide things back on course as long as everyone is equally prepared.

The idea of taking intelligent risks is something that will be hard to overcome.  Much like the material mentions we are hardwired to overestimate risk as a safety mechanism.  by seeing that the sky is always falling we would never have to worry about getting wet when it rains because we would never be out in the first place.  There is not telling what opportunities we might have missed out on when it wasn’t raining though.  I like the way the material tells us that if we aren’t going to become homeless, die, or be permanently unemployed then it might not be that bad of a risk.  I think that putting risky things into perspective can help us take risks that could have potentially larger rewards.